2015年8月30日 星期日

loop query parse promise

return Parse.Promise.as().then(function() { // this just gets the ball rolling
   var promise = Parse.Promise.as(); // define a promise

   _.each(data, function(item) { // use underscore, its better :)
     promise = promise.then(function() { // each time this loops the promise gets reassigned to the function below

var query = new Parse.Query("Panorama");
       query.equalTo("buildingCode", item);
       return query.find().then(function(results) { // the code will wait (run async) before looping again knowing that this query (all parse queries) returns a promise. If there wasn't something returning a promise, it wouldn't wait.


           if(results.length == 0){//item does not exists
               console.log("not exists");
           }else{ // item exists
              for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
       console.log("results[i].get(Name): "+results[i].get("Name"));
       // console.log("after arr.push");

         return Parse.Promise.as(); // the code will wait again for the above to complete because there is another promise returning here (this is just a default promise, but you could also run something like return object.save() which would also return a promise)

       }, function (error) {
         response.error("score lookup failed with error.code: " + error.code + " error.message: " + error.message);
     }); // edit: missing these guys
   return promise; // this will not be triggered until the whole loop above runs and all promises above are resolved

 }).then(function() {
   response.success(returndata); // edit: changed to a capital A
 }, function (error) {
   response.error("script failed with error.code: " + error.code + " error.message: " + error.message);

