2015年5月18日 星期一

bitbucket, repository from computer , excited project

  1. Log into Bitbucket under your individual account.
  2. Click Repositories > Create repository or the Create new repository link.
  3. Choose a repository Owner.
    This only appears if you are creating under an account with membership in one or more teams. 
  4. Enter a Name and Description for your repository.
  5. Tick Private if you want to hide your repository from the general public, so that only selected people can see it.
  6. Select the Repository type.
  7. Click Create repository.

For example, if you have an existing project to push up:
cd /path/to/my/repo
git remote add origin ssh://git@bitbucket.org/username/bbreponame.git
git push -u origin --all  

Or if you are starting from scratch:

mkdir /path/to/your/project 
cd /path/to/your/project 
git init 
git remote add origin ssh://git@bitbucket.org/username/bbreponame.git


